The Flash Motion provides professional photography & videography services.
Founded by two talented artist, Alan Yiu & Gilbert Yuen.
We believe time flies, but memories last forever.
Our happy customers saying
多謝你地呀,結婚當日好彩有你地一路講笑話咁影相,我地先影到好多唔生硬而又好靚既相呀!因爲我病左😷好多野都冇跟到rundown 去做,連改外景地點都係結婚前一日先通知你地,你地都可以配合到!真係好體貼呀!連班兄弟姊妹,親戚朋友都大讚你地專業又友善,真係冇簡錯你地呀!
多謝你地令到我地婚禮同開party 一樣咁開心呀
Beautiful! Thank you for being our wedding photographer in Portugal! You are an amazing talented photographer - the best we have ever seen! Beautiful, stunning photos! Such a high quality! We love them and we are honoured you were our wedding photographer! Not enough words to describe our happiness! All the very best! Magda & Andrew Crump xxx
The moments to look back
The Flash Motion is made of many individual brands & partners, each serving customers in different ways — but all with a focus on providing the best services.